Juliana (J) Ciralli is a 24 year old queer, gender-variant artist living and creating in Philadelphia, PA, with a primary focus in painting and graphic design. Their passion for art flourished from an early age, formally beginning with a cross-hatched still life drawing entered into the 2012 Scholastic Art & Writing competition. She went on to study fine art at the Greater Hartford Academy of the Arts magnet school from 2014 – 2016, then expanded her studies further at the Lyme Academy College of Fine Art in Old Lyme, CT. She spent a semester studying painting and printmaking in Italy in 2018, then graduated from LACFA early in the summer of 2019 with a Bachelors Degree in Fine Arts. Post college, Juliana has worked freelancing and has had the honor of utilizing their artistic skills in many wonderful opportunities; such as work with the Connecticut Sun WNBA partaking in an exclusive promotional artists series. They have done workshops, participated in public showcases and vending events, and have been featured in a variety of curated exhibitions over the years, including one overseas. They currently explore themes of gender identity, equality and social activism in their work; presently developing a new series for the advocation of mental health awareness.